Director of R.I.T.A. Tofig Babayev went on a business trip to the Republic of Uzbekistan
Tofig Babayev, Director of R.I.T.A., Head of e-Commerce Working Group, Digital, Industry and Space NCP of Horizon Europe, was on business trip in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, on December 8-13, 2022.
The main purpose of the trip was to discuss the project "Development of technological foundations and road maps for digitalization of logistics sectors in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan with the objective to create digital transport corridors enabling the efficiency of cargo flows from East Asia to Europe" proposed for the joint contest announced by the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and participation of the two organizations in international conferences to be held in April 2023 in the Tashkent State Transport University and in May in Azerbaijan.
On December 9, T. Babayev met with the deputy rector of the Tashkent State Transport University, Professor Abdulaziz Gulamov and the vice-rector for scientific work and innovations, Professor Said Shaumuradov, and discussed with each of them the joint project and participation in international conferences.
At a meeting with the deputy rector T. Babayev informed him in detail about the 2nd International Conference on Problems of Logistics, Management and Operation in the East-West transport Corridor (PLMO-2) to be held in Azerbaijan, and thanked Tashkent State Transport University for being the organizer of the conference together with the Institute of Control Systems. Deputy Rector A. Gulamov said that representatives of Tashkent State Transport University would actively participate in PLMO-2 and expressed confidence that the conferences to be held next year in Tashkent in April and in Baku in May would create good opportunities to further strengthen cooperation and implement new joint projects.
The main result of the business trip were meetings with the project manager from the Tashkent State Transport University Professor Rustam Ragimov and project participants from TSTU, preparation of the final version of the project and submission of the project to the competition commission by both parties.
The main purpose of the trip was to discuss the project "Development of technological foundations and road maps for digitalization of logistics sectors in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan with the objective to create digital transport corridors enabling the efficiency of cargo flows from East Asia to Europe" proposed for the joint contest announced by the Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan and the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and participation of the two organizations in international conferences to be held in April 2023 in the Tashkent State Transport University and in May in Azerbaijan.
On December 9, T. Babayev met with the deputy rector of the Tashkent State Transport University, Professor Abdulaziz Gulamov and the vice-rector for scientific work and innovations, Professor Said Shaumuradov, and discussed with each of them the joint project and participation in international conferences.
At a meeting with the deputy rector T. Babayev informed him in detail about the 2nd International Conference on Problems of Logistics, Management and Operation in the East-West transport Corridor (PLMO-2) to be held in Azerbaijan, and thanked Tashkent State Transport University for being the organizer of the conference together with the Institute of Control Systems. Deputy Rector A. Gulamov said that representatives of Tashkent State Transport University would actively participate in PLMO-2 and expressed confidence that the conferences to be held next year in Tashkent in April and in Baku in May would create good opportunities to further strengthen cooperation and implement new joint projects.
The main result of the business trip were meetings with the project manager from the Tashkent State Transport University Professor Rustam Ragimov and project participants from TSTU, preparation of the final version of the project and submission of the project to the competition commission by both parties.
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